Elijah Craig 12 year Bourbon, Straight Whiskey and Tennesse Whiskey - Heaven Hill




Elijah Craig 12 year

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70 cl / 47%
USA - Kentucky Bourbon, Straight Whiskey and Tennesse Whiskey
Un gran bourbon con uno de los mejores aromas que puedes encontrar.


  • Pais: USA - Kentucky
  • Por: Heaven Hill
  • Alcohol: 47% ABV
  • Volumen: 70 cl
  • Edad: 12 years old
  • Estilo: Bourbon, Straight Whiskey and Tennesse Whiskey
  • Precio:29€

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Elijah Craig 12 year Bourbon, Straight Whiskey and Tennesse Whiskey - Heaven Hill

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Botella elijah craig 12 year 1
Botella elijah craig 12 year 1


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